Facilitates the coordination and celebration of the meetings of government bodies.
Legal validity
A secure legal environment where the counselors develop their functions.
Digital transformation
Automates tasks by automatically creating the required documentation.
Fast and easy
How to organize my corporate meeting?
Be here wherever you are
The holding of corporate meetings entails a complex bureaucratic and legal burden that saturates the administrative team with work. They are long, expensive processes and with unnecessary trips.
The Councilbox technology allows the attendance of meetings both in person and remotely, through a computer, tablet or phone from anywhere in the world. All with legal validity.

Clients and testimonies

“Associative meetings are very important but organizing them used to take up too much time, and time is very valuable. Since we use Councilbox, everything is much more comfortable and effective. ”

Official Architects of Galicia Association
“Since we used Councilbox we have tripled the participation and the associative meetings are much more agile and fluid”

“Con Councilbox facilitamos que nuestros asociados asistan virtualmente a nuestras Asambleas. Además, lo utilizamos con muy buen resultado, para el envío y la aprobación de las actas con total garantía y sin esperar a la celebración de la siguiente Asamblea.”

Conector Startup Accelerator

Real Federación Española de Atletismo

Ordem dos Economistas (Portugal)